ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Powder


Run Apple and Pear Harvest on Your Schedule

ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Powder gives you more flexibility and control of your orchard by extending your harvest window up to four weeks. ReTain can be applied at higher rates or up to two applications per acre per season to extend the harvest management period even further.


Extend Apple and Cherry Bloom. Boost Fruit Set.

ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Powder extends flower viability in apples and cherries to increase fruit set and help ensure an optimum crop load potential. Use ReTain at early bloom in advance of poor pollinating conditions (cool, wet weather, winds, low bee activity) or on varieties with low natural fruit set.


Run apple and pear harvest on your schedule with ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Powder. ReTain gives you more flexibility and control of your orchard by extending your harvest window up to four weeks. Whether you need to extend harvest one week or four, ReTain provides the flexibility to put you in charge of harvest. ReTain can now be applied at higher rates or up to two applications per acre per season to extend the harvest management period even further. This use pattern helps maximize your orchard’s potential even further.

For cherries, ReTain increases fruit set to help ensure an optimum crop load potential. 


  • Delays Maturation and Extends Harvest Window
  • Provides More Flexibility with Labor Management
  • Extends Drop Control
  • Maintains Late-Season Fruit Quality
  • For Cherries, Extends Flower Viability for Enhanced Fruit Set


  • Harvest Management; Optimizes Fruit Maturity and Quality; Enhances Fruit Set
* Each crop and use may not be registered in every state. Always read and follow label instructions.

Key Crops*

  • Apple
  • Apricot
  • Aprium
  • Cherry
  • Bing Cherry
  • Chelan Cherry
  • Early Robin Cherry
  • Regina Cherry
  • Skeena Cherry
  • Sweet Cherry
  • Tieton Cherry
  • Cucumber
  • Nectarine
  • Peach
  • Pear
  • Pecan
  • Pineapple
  • Plum
  • Plumcot
  • Pluot
  • Prune
  • Walnut
Show More Crops

* Not all crops are registered in every state.




Supplemental Label


Sustainable Solutions Criteria – ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Powder

Valent U.S.A. has developed a classification system that defines and identifies sustainable practices and attributes applicable to our ag product portfolio across three pillars of sustainability – People, Planet, and Productivity. This system, called Sustainable Solutions Criteria, uses specific icons that highlight these key sustainable practices and attributes for our products. Products that achieve a high sustainable criterion ranking across all three sustainable pillars, such as ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Powder, are also denoted by the Sustainable Solutions Icon. Click on the icons below or the sustainable solutions icon to the right to learn how ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Powder can support sustainable practices in your operations.


Environmental Fit

  • Protective of pollinators and other wildlife
  • Protective of wetlands and other aquatic and natural areas  adjacent to agriculture
  • Comparatively rapid dissipation in the environment
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Worker Efficiency

  • Protection of workers (including mixers, loaders and applicators) during product application
  • Protection of agricultural workers re-entering the site
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Reduces Food Loss

  • Contribution to directly minimizing food waste, in the field or post-harvest
  • Food waste reduced by impact on harvest efficiency, and/or preservation of crop nutrients and quality as measured by grade, packout or other industry-relevant metric
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Improves Crop Production Efficiency

  • Increased yield, yield protection, and/or improved plant health, water  and nutrient use that enhance efficiency of crop production.
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Enhances Quality

  • Enhanced quality of crop commodity that improves overall profitability
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Sustainable Solutions

Valent Sustainable Solutions support the adoption and integration of sustainable practices for crop protection, productivity and yield enhancement products and technologies.

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ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator Grower Rebate Program

ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator Grower Rebate Program offers an opportunity to receive a rebate of up to $75 per pouch for purchasing ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Powder and other products in the Valent U.S.A. Tree Fruit Portfolio to help produce and store a high-quality tree fruit crop.

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ReTain® PGR Apple ROI Calculator

ReTain is the premier orchard and harvest management tool to help growers prevent fruit drop, maintain quality, manage harvest and reduce cost of labor. Additionally, ReTain maintains post-harvest fruit quality and reduces disorders in storage for improved packout and marketability. Use the ReTain PGR Apple ROI Calculator to estimate your return on using ReTain.

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John Deere Financial Program Offer

ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Powder is eligible for the Valent U.S.A. John Deere Special Financing Offer, which includes a fixed 0% APR on eligible products that help you produce high-quality, high-yield crops. Visit the John Deere Program page at the link below to review the full program details and qualifications.

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Run Harvest On Your Schedule

Watch ReTain PGR in action and see how it can help you manage your harvest this season.

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ReTain® PGR Maintains Fruit Firmness During Long-Term Storage, 5 or 9 Months

ReTain was most effective when used 21 days before harvest and again 7 days before harvest. Apple variety = Gala.

ReTain® PGR Ebook

View this ebook to learn how to run apple and pear harvest on your schedule with ReTain. ~~ Valent would like to acknowledge the many contributions of the late Jeff Alicandro with Agr.Assistance included here. His work will have a lasting impact on generations of apple producers. Thank you Jeff. ~~

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Thought Leadership - Apple Harvest Management

Get started with these tips to help manage and maximize your apple harvest.

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ReTain® Technical Manual from Valent BioSciences

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Always read and follow label instructions.
ReTain is a registered trademark of Valent BioSciences LLC.