Valor® SX Herbicide


Rely on the Lion.

Get effective control of tough weeds and rotational flexibility with Valor® SX Herbicide. With proven performance on a broad spectrum of weeds and up to six weeks residual control, Valor SX provides preemergence control in early preplant burndown and preemergence programs.

Valor SX
Get proven control of tough weeds and rotational flexibility with Valor® SX Herbicide. With proven performance on a broad spectrum of weeds–like Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, lambsquarters, velvetleaf, dandelion and marestail–Valor SX provides preemergence weed control in early preplant burndown and preemergence programs. Valor SX offers up to six weeks of residual weed control so that you can plan a timely postemergence herbicide application.
  • Excellent Broad Spectrum Residual Control for Up to 6 Weeks
  • Excellent Rotational Flexibility
  • Effective, Low Use Rate
Valor SX


  • Palmer Amaranth
  • Spiny Amaranth
  • Spurred Anoda
  • Barnyardgrass
  • Florida Beggarweed
  • Field Bindweed
  • Annual Bluegrass
  • Downy Brome
  • Wild Buckwheat
  • Volunteer Canola
  • Carpetweed
  • False Chamomile
  • Mayweed Chamomile
  • Cheat
  • Cheatgrass
  • Cheeseweed
  • Common Chickweed
  • Mouseear Chickweed
  • White Cockle
  • Common Cocklebur
  • Hophornbeam Copperleaf
  • Large Crabgrass
  • Smooth Crabgrass
  • Tropic Croton
  • Golden Crownbeard
  • Dandelion
  • Purple Deadnettle
  • Dodder
  • Eclipta
  • Cutleaf Evening Primrose
  • Coast Fiddleneck
  • Redstem Filaree
  • Whitestem Filaree
  • Rice Flatsedge
  • Hairy Fleabane
  • Flixweed
  • Bristly Foxtail
  • Giant Foxtail
  • Green Foxtail
  • Yellow Foxtail
  • Carolina Geranium
  • Goosegrass
  • Grass
  • Annual Grass
  • Perennial Grass
  • Common Groundsel
  • Cressleaf Groundsel
  • Guineagrass
  • Henbit
  • Horseweed
  • Hairy Indigo
  • Jimsonweed
  • Seedling Johnsongrass
  • Kochia
  • Common Lambsquarters
  • Chinese Lettuce
  • Prickly Lettuce
  • California Lovegrass
  • Common Mallow
  • Little Mallow
  • Venice Mallow
  • Marestail
  • Smell Melon
  • Morningglory
  • Entireleaf Morningglory
  • Ivyleaf Morningglory
  • Pitted Morningglory
  • Red Morningglory
  • Scarlet Morningglory
  • Smallflower Morningglory
  • Tall Morningglory
  • Tansy Mustard
  • Tumble Mustard
  • Wild Mustard
  • NA
  • Burning Nettle
  • Nightshade
  • Black Nightshade
  • Eastern Black Nightshade
  • Hairy Nightshade
  • Yellow Nutsedge
  • Fall Panicum
  • Texas Panicum
  • Field Pennycress
  • Redroot Pigweed
  • Smooth Pigweed
  • Tumble Pigweed
  • Broadleaf Plantain
  • Wild Poinsettia
  • Puncturevine
  • Common Purslane
  • Horse Purslane
  • Rock Purslane
  • Florida Pusley
  • Wild Radish
  • Common Ragweed
  • Giant Ragweed
  • Redmaid
  • Redweed
  • London Rocket
  • Yellow Rocket
  • Italian Ryegrass
  • Coffee Senna
  • Hemp Sesbania
  • Shepherdspurse
  • Sicklepod
  • Prickly Sida
  • Broadleaf Signalgrass
  • Ladysthumb Smartweed
  • Pale Smartweed
  • Pennsylvania Smartweed
  • Spotted Spurge
  • Bristly Starbur
  • Teaweed
  • Annual Sow Thistle
  • Prickly Sow Thistle
  • Russian Thistle
  • Velvetleaf
  • Waterhemp
  • Common Waterhemp
  • Tall Waterhemp
  • Perennial Broadleaf Weed
  • Winter Annual Broadleaf Weed
  • Biennial Wormwood
Show More Problems/Uses
* Each crop and use may not be registered in every state. Always read and follow label instructions.
Valor SX

Key Crops*

  • Bare Ground
  • Dry Bean
  • Garbanzo Bean
  • Chickpea
  • Clary
  • Field Corn
  • Cotton
  • Liberty Link Cotton
  • Roundup Ready Cotton
  • Barley Fallow Land
  • Field Pea Fallow Land
  • Flax Fallow Land
  • Lentil Fallow Land
  • Safflower Fallow Land
  • Spring Wheat Fallow Land
  • Sunflower Fallow Land
  • Farm
  • Flax
  • Lentil
  • Field Pea
  • Peanut
  • Sweet Potato
  • Rice
  • Safflower
  • Sorghum
  • Soybean
  • Roundup Ready Soybean
  • Sugarcane
  • Sunflower
  • Tobacco
  • Wheat
Show More Crops

* Not all crops are registered in every state.

Valor SX

Section 24c


Supplemental Label



Sustainable Solutions Criteria – Valor® SX Herbicide

Valent U.S.A. has developed a classification system that defines and identifies sustainable practices and attributes applicable to our ag product portfolio across three pillars of sustainability – People, Planet, and Productivity. This system, called Sustainable Solutions Criteria, uses specific icons that highlight these key sustainable practices and attributes for our products. Products that achieve a high sustainable criterion ranking across all three sustainable pillars are also denoted by the Sustainable Solutions Icon. Click on the icons below to learn how Valor® SX Herbicide can support sustainable practices in your operations.


Improves Crop Production Efficiency

Increased yield, yield protection, and/or improved plant health, water and nutrient use that enhance efficiency of crop production.

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IPM Friendly

  • Reduces risk from pests within a science-based decision-making process  that minimizes overall economic, health and environmental risks*
  • New mode of pest control action, and/ or proactive management of pest resistance, including fit within integrated resistance management programs
  • Exotic invasive pest control
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Conservation Tillage

  • Product can be used in conjunction  with no-till or minimum till agriculture practices
  • Product does not limit the ability  for crop rotation or cover crops
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Always read and follow label instructions.
Valor is a registered trademark of Valent U.S.A. LLC.