Tough Weeds Need A Tough Approach
140 growers added Perpetuo® Herbicide into their weed control programs and shared their experiences.
How can tough to control weeds be managed? The first thing to understand is what makes them hard to control. Palmer amaranth and waterhemp are two weeds that give growers trouble every year. These weeds have long germination windows that can start in early spring and continue through the summer. With a germination window that long, a preemergence herbicide application alone may not be enough. One solution is to add a post-applied residual into the weed management program to provide overlapping residual control that can last through canopy closure. We asked 140 growers to do just that: add Perpetuo® Herbicide into their program and tell us about their experience. Here is some of what they had to say:
"Top weed control. Perpetuo did everything and more."
-South Dakota Grower
"We put Perpetuo on a field that is challenged by waterhemp and it did a great job controlling it."
-Iowa Grower
"The Perpetuo acres had no waterhemp and very little late germinating giant ragweed"
-Indiana Grower
"Perpetuo held weeds all season long"
-South Dakota Grower
Learn more about how Perpetuo Herbicide can help you tackle tough weeds in your fields.