Research & Development
Product Research & Development
To be successful in a fast-paced, changing industry, we must constantly evaluate our technologies and improve our solutions. To do this successfully, we've established guidelines to help us navigate product pipeline development smoothly.
Product Development Process
- Improves consistency, rigor and focus for data summation and strategy development
- Improves communication for better decision making
- Enhances structure and focus for more efficient internal dialogue
- Provides more efficient project information archival and retrieval
- Increases speed of which Valent employees partner in the development process

North American Innovation Center
Our team of scientists and research specialists at the North American Innovation Center manage and conduct hundreds of environmental and human safety studies required by the U.S. EPA for product registration, while our formulation chemists develop new and innovative systems to ensure our products are not only safe but easy to use in commercial operations. These components are essential requirements for the development of new products and use extensions of existing products.
Involving Our Growers
Whether it be through our top-tier scientist and Territory Account Managers, channel partners, everyday lives, or digital platforms, Valent U.S.A. remains connected to growers. We believe that grower challenges are our challenges, and grower success is our success. And, it’s our job to listen and understand our grower’s goals, crops, and challenges. And, at Valent we are always looking for opportunities to hear from growers first-hand because we are committed to their next step, big or small, day after day, in every county on every acre. Have an agriculture insight to share? Use the link below to submit it to our team of experts today.
Field Discovery
Your operation doesn't exist in a laboratory, which is why our products are also tested at our state-of-the-art research farms. The Valent Field Discovery Team works closely with Sumitomo Chemical and other Valent Group Companies to evaluate potential new products under commercial U.S. farming conditions. Our top tier Valent U.S.A. scientist use real-world research to develop crop protection products to fit tomorrow’s challenges and addresses the challenges growers are facing in the field today.