Label Listings
Jump directly to the label documents for each product.
- Abolish® 8 EC Rice Herbicide
- Accede® Plant Growth Regulator Liquid Concentrate
- Accede® SG Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Granule
- Amid-Thin® W Plant Growth Regulator
- Asana® XL Insecticide
- Aveo® EZ Nematicide
- Belay® Insecticide
- Bolero® 8 EC Herbicide
- Bolero® UltraMax Herbicide
- Chateau® EZ Herbicide
- Chateau® SW Herbicide
- Cobra® Herbicide
- Danitol® 2.4 EC Spray
- Debug® ON
- Debug® Tres
- Debug® Turbo
- DiPel® 10G Biological Insecticide
- DiPel® DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable
- DiPel® ES Biological Insecticide for Worm Pests
- Elumin® Fungicide
- Esteem® 0.86 EC Insect Growth Regulator
- Esteem® 35 WP Insect Growth Regulator
- Esteem® Ant Bait
- EverGreen® Crop Protection EC 60-6
- Excalia® Fungicide
- Exponent® Insecticide Synergist
- Fierce® EZ Herbicide
- Fierce® Herbicide
- Fierce® MTZ Herbicide
- Fierce® XLT Soybean Herbicide
- Fruitone® L Plant Growth Regulator
- Fruitone® N Plant Growth Regulator
- INTEGO® Fungicide Soybeans
- INTEGO® SUITE Soybeans
- Intuity® Fungicide
- Knack® Insect Growth Regulator
- K-Salt® Fruit Fix® 800 Plant Growth Regulator
- League® Herbicide
- League® MVP Herbicide
- Leap® ES Bacterial Disease Management Biological Insecticide
- Mauler® Herbicide
- Maverick® Corn Herbicide
- MaxCel® Plant Growth Regulator
- OutReach® SC Nematicide
- Outrider® Herbicide
- Perpetuo® Herbicide
- Phoenix® Herbicide
- PoMaxa® Plant Growth Regulator
- Presidio® Fungicide
- ProGibb 40% Plant Growth Regulator Water Soluble Granule
- ProGibb® LV Plus Plant Growth Regulator Solution
- Promalin® Plant Growth Regulator
- ProTone® SG Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Granule
- ProVide® 10 SG Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Granule
- Pyganic® Crop Protection EC 1.4II
- Pyganic® Crop Protection EC 5.0II
- Quash® Fungicide
- Regiment® CA Herbicide
- Regiment® EZ Herbicide
- Regiment® Herbicide
- Release® LC Plant Growth Regulator
- Resource® Herbicide
- ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator for California
- ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Powder
- Seize® 35 WP Insect Growth Regulator
- Select Max® Herbicide with Inside Technologyâ„¢
- Senstar® Insecticide
- Valor® EZ Herbicide
- Valor® SX Herbicide
- Valor® XLT Soybean Herbicide
- Venom® Insecticide
- XenTari® Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable
- Zeal® Miticide¹
- Zeal® MVP Miticide
- Zeal® Pro Miticide
- Zeal® SC Miticide
- Zeltera® Rice System