Bolero® 8 EC Herbicide
Bolero® 8 EC Herbicide provides the sprangletop control you've been missing in your foundational herbicide program. Ideal for dry or water-seeded protection of conventional or Clearfield® rice, Bolero is compatible with other delayed preemergence applications, allowing you to get early residual control of yield-impacting weeds.
- Controls Tough-to-Manage Sprangletop Plus Aquatics and Annual Sedges
- Ideal in Conventional or Clearfield Rice Production
- Great Fit in Dry-Seeded or Water-Seeded Rice Production
- Compatible with Other Delayed Preemergence Applications
- Purple (Preemergence) Ammannia
- Barnyardgrass (Preemergence)
- Large (Preemergence) Crabgrass
- Dayflower (Preemergence)
- Ducksalad (Preemergence)
- Eclipta (Preemergence)
- Redroot (Preemergence) Flatsedge
- Rice (Preemergence) Flatsedge
- Goosegrass (Preemergence)
- Gooseweed (Preemergence)
- Hurrahgrass (Preemergence)
- Junglerice (Preemergence)
- Fall (Preemergence) Panicum
- False (Preemergence) Pimpernel
- Redstem (Preemergence)
- Red Rice
- Red (Preemergence) Rice
- Broadleaf (Preemergence) Signalgrass
- Amazon (Preemergence) Spikerush
- Bearded (Preemergence) Spikerush
- Sprangletop
- Water Hyssop (Preemergence)
* Each crop and use may not be registered in every state. Always read and follow label instructions.
Key Crops*
- Rice
- Drilled-Seeded Rice
- Dry-Seeded Rice
- Water-Seeded Rice
* Not all crops are registered in every state.
Mid-South Rice Quicksheet - Bolero 8 EC Rice Herbicide 2017-BOL8-8000
Sustainable Solutions Criteria – Bolero® 8 EC Herbicide
Valent U.S.A. has developed a classification system that defines and identifies sustainable practices and attributes applicable to our ag product portfolio across three pillars of sustainability – People, Planet, and Productivity. This system, called Sustainable Solutions Criteria, uses specific icons that highlight these key sustainable practices and attributes for our products. Products that achieve a high sustainable criterion ranking across all three sustainable pillars are also denoted by the Sustainable Solutions Icon. Click on the icons below to learn how Bolero® 8 EC Herbicide can support sustainable practices in your operations.
IPM Friendly
- Reduces risk from pests within a science-based decision-making process that minimizes overall economic, health and environmental risks*
- New mode of pest control action, and/ or proactive management of pest resistance, including fit within integrated resistance management programs
- Exotic invasive pest control
Always read and follow label instructions.
Bolero is a registered trademark of Kumiai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Clearfield is a registered trademark of BASF.
Bolero is a registered trademark of Kumiai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Clearfield is a registered trademark of BASF.