Danitol® 2.4 EC Spray
Danitol® 2.4 EC Spray delivers quick knockdown and controls a broad spectrum of more than 100 pests including Asian citrus psyllid, fruitworms, beetles, leafrollers, navel orangeworm, oriental fruit moth, plum curculio, spotted wing drosophila, stink bugs, thrips, mites, walnut husk fly and more. It is labeled on more than 120 crops, and unlike other synthetic pyrethroids, Danitol is proven not to flare mites.
- Broad Spectrum - Quick Knockdown of a Broad Range of Insects
- Proven Not to Flare Mites
- Rotate Pyrethroids with Other Modes of Action
- Amorbia
- Aphid
- Rosy Apple Aphid
- Spirea Aphid
- Lesser Appleworm
- Armyworm
- Beet Armyworm
- Bertha Armyworm
- Fall Armyworm
- Western Yellowstriped Armyworm
- Yellowstriped Armyworm
- Banded Cucumber Beetle
- Cereal Leaf Beetle
- Colorado Potato Beetle
- Cucumber Beetle
- Darkling Beetle
- Dried Fruit Beetle
- Flea Beetle
- Fuller Rose Beetle
- Grape Bud Beetle
- Grape Flea Beetle
- Green June Beetle
- Japanese Beetle
- Redbay Ambrosia Beetle
- Squash Beetle
- Strawberry Sap Beetle
- Striped Cucumber Beetle
- Watermelon Beetle
- Yellow Margined Leaf Beetle
- Bollworm
- Cotton Bollworm
- Pink Bollworm
- Borer
- American Plum Borer
- Pacific Flatheaded Borer
- Peach Tree Borer
- Peach Twig Borer
- Prune Limb Borer
- Shot Hole Borer
- Stem Borer
- Tree Borer
- Twig Borer
- Tobacco Budworm
- Bagrada Bug
- Banded Grape Bug
- Harlequin Bug
- Leaffooted Bug
- Squash Bug
- Western Boxelder Bug
- Cross-Striped Cabbageworm
- Imported Cabbageworm
- Cankerworm
- Fall Cankerworm
- Pecan Nut Casebearer
- Pink Scavenger Caterpillar
- Redhumped Caterpillar
- Saltmarsh Caterpillar
- Tent Caterpillar
- Velvet Bean Caterpillar
- Walnut Caterpillar
- Yellow-Necked Caterpillar
- Rose Chafer
- Seed Chalcid
- False Chinch Bug
- Periodical Cicada
- Green Cloverworm
- Corn Earworm
- Plum Curculio
- Imported Currantworm
- Cutworm
- Black Cutworm
- Climbing Cutworm
- Red-Backed Cutworm
- Spotted Cutworm
- Variegated Cutworm
- Spotted Wing Drosophila
- Earwig
- European Earwig
- Filbertworm
- Fleahopper
- Caribbean Fruit Fly
- Cherry Fruit Fly
- Citrus Black Fly
- Currant Fruit Fly
- Fruit Fly
- Olive Fruit Fly
- Vinegar Fly
- Walnut Husk Fly
- Fruitworm
- Cherry Fruitworm
- Cranberry Fruitworm
- Gooseberry Fruitworm
- Green Fruitworm
- Raspberry Fruitworm
- Sparganothis Fruitworm
- Speckled Green Fruitworm
- Tomato Fruitworm
- Western Raspberry Fruitworm
- Grape Cane Gallmaker
- Stem Girdler
- Grasshopper
- Differential Grasshopper
- Red-Legged Grasshopper
- Hornworm
- Tobacco Hornworm
- Tomato Hornworm
- Insect
- Katydid
- Avocado Lace Bug
- Spotted Lanternfly
- Grape Leaffolder
- Leafhopper
- Eastern Grape Leafhopper
- Potato Leafhopper
- Variegated Leafhopper
- Virginia Creeper Leafhopper
- Western Grape Leafhopper
- White Apple Leafhopper
- Leafminer
- Cherry Leafminer
- Citrus Leafminer
- Pea Leafminer
- Spotted Tentiform Leafminer
- Western Tentiform Leafminer
- Cotton Leafperforator
- Leafroller
- Filbert Leafroller
- Fruit Tree Leafroller
- Grape Leafroller
- Oblique-Banded Leafroller
- Omnivorous Leafroller
- Pandemis Leafroller
- Red-Banded Leafroller
- Strawberry Leafroller
- Variegated Leafroller
- Western Avocado Leafroller
- Omnivorous Leaftier
- Looper
- Alfalfa Looper
- Avocado Looper
- Cabbage Looper
- Omnivorous Looper
- Lygocoris Inconspicuous
- Lygus
- Lygus Bug
- Apple Maggot
- Blueberry Maggot
- Cabbage Maggot
- Melonworm
- Blueberry Gall Midge
- Mirid
- Mite
- Brown Mite
- Citrus Flat Mite
- Citrus Red Mite
- Citrus Rust Mite
- Cyclamen Mite
- European Red Mite
- Persea Mite
- Redberry Mite
- Texas Citrus Mite
- Achema Sphinx Moth
- Codling Moth
- Diamondback Moth
- European Grapevine Moth
- Grape Berry Moth
- Gypsy Moth
- Light Brown Apple Moth
- Oriental Fruit Moth
- Plume Moth
- Tufted Apple Bud Moth
- Tussock Western Moth
- Winter Moth
- Navel Orangeworm
- Brown Leaf Notcher
- California Orangedog
- Citrus Peelminer
- Grape Phylloxera
- Pickleworm
- Pinworm
- Plant Bug
- Four-Lined Plant Bug
- Tarnished Plant Bug
- Podworm
- Pear Psylla
- Psyllid
- Asian Citrus Psyllid
- Rindworm
- European Apple Sawfly
- Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter
- Hickory Shuckworm
- Grapeleaf Skeletonizer
- Blueberry Spanworm
- Spider
- Spider Mite
- McDaniel Spider Mite
- Two-Spotted Spider Mite
- Webspinning Spider Mite
- Yellow Spider Mite
- Yuma Spider Mite
- Black Widow Spider
- Spittlebug
- Stink Bug
- Brown Stinkbug
- Strawberry Clipper
- Garden Symphylan
- Thrips
- Avocado Thrips
- Citrus Thrips
- Flower Thrips
- Orchid Thrips
- Western Flower Thrips
- Orange Tortrix
- Potato Tuberworm
- Webworm
- Fall Webworm
- Annual Grassy Weed
- Perennial Grassy Weed
- Black Vine Weevil
- Citrus Root Weevil
- Cranberry Weevil
- Diaprepes Root Weevil
- Obscure Root Weevil
- Pea Weevil
- Pea Leaf Weevil
- Pecan Weevil
- Pepper Weevil
- Root Weevil
- Rough Strawberry Root Weevil
- Strawberry Bud Weevil
- Strawberry Root Weevil
- Whitefly
- Greenhouse Whitefly
- Iris Whitefly
- Silverleaf Whitefly
- Strawberry Whitefly
- Sweetpotato Whitefly
* Each crop and use may not be registered in every state. Always read and follow label instructions.
Key Crops*
- Acerola
- Almond
- Apple
- Apricot
- Aronia Berry
- Atemoya
- Avocado
- Azarole
- Balsam Apple
- Balsam Pear
- European Barberry
- Barley
- Bearberry
- Beechnut
- Berry
- Bilberry
- Bingleberry
- Biriba
- Blackberry
- Highbush Blueberry
- Lowbush Blueberry
- Rabbiteye Blueberry
- Boysenberry
- Brazil Nut
- Broccoli
- Cavalo Broccoli
- Chinese Gai Lon Broccoli
- Brussels Sprout
- Bush Tomato
- Butternut
- Cabbage
- Chinese Mustard Cabbage
- Chinese Napa Cabbage
- Calabaza
- Calamondin
- Canistel
- Cantaloupe
- Cashew
- Cauliflower
- Chayote
- Fruit Chayote
- Cherimoya
- Cherry
- Sweet Cherry
- Tart Cherry
- Chestnut
- Chinquapin
- Citron
- Citrus
- Hybrid Citrus
- Cloudberry
- Cocona
- Cotton
- Crabapple
- Cranberry
- Highbush Cranberry
- Cucumber
- Chinese Cucumber
- Cucuzza
- Currant Tomato
- Black Currant
- Buffalo Currant
- Native Currant
- Red Currant
- Custard Apple
- Dewberry
- Eggplant
- African Eggplant
- Scarlet Eggplant
- Elderberry
- Feijoa
- Filbert
- Pome Fruit
- Stone Fruit
- Gai Choy
- Garden Huckleberry
- Gherkin
- Goji Berry
- Gooseberry
- Edible Gourd
- Grape
- Amur River Grape
- Grapefruit
- Japanese Summer Grapefruit
- Ground Cherry
- Guava
- Chilean Guava
- Hazelnut
- Hechima
- Hickory Nut
- Edible Honeysuckle
- Huckleberry
- Hyotan
- Ilama
- Jaboticaba
- Wax Jambu
- Jostaberry
- Juneberry
- Hardy Kiwifruit
- Kohlrabi
- Kumquat
- Lemon
- Lime
- Australian Desert Lime
- Australian Finger Lime
- Australian Round Lime
- Brown River Finger Lime
- Mount White Lime
- New Guinea Wild Lime
- Russell River Lime
- Sweet Lime
- Tahiti Lime
- Lingonberry
- Loganberry
- Longan
- Loquat
- Lowberry
- Lychee
- Macadamia Nut
- Mandarin
- Mediterranean Mandarin
- Mango
- Marionberry
- Martynia
- Mayhaw
- Maypop
- Medlar
- Bitter Melon
- Chinese Preserving Melon
- Citron Melon
- Honeydew Melon
- Momordica
- Muntries
- Muskmelon
- Naranjilla
- Nectarine
- Apple Orchard Non-Crop Border
- Pear Orchard Non-Crop Border
- Okra
- Chinese Okra
- Olallieberry
- Olive
- Sour Orange
- Sweet Orange
- Tachibana Orange
- Trifoliate Orange
- Papaya
- Partridgeberry
- Passion Fruit
- Pea Eggplant
- English Pea
- Garden Pea
- Green Pea
- Pigeon Pea
- Succulent Pea
- Peach
- Peanut
- Pear
- Asian Pear
- Pecan
- Pepino
- Bell Pepper
- Chili Pepper
- Cooking Pepper
- Non-Bell Pepper
- Sweet Pepper
- Pimento
- Pistachio
- Plum
- Chickasaw Plum
- Damson Plum
- Japanese Plum
- Plumcot
- Prune
- Fresh Prune
- Pulasan
- Pummelo
- Pumpkin
- Quince
- Chinese Quince
- Japanese Quince
- Rambutan
- Black Raspberry
- Red Raspberry
- Wild Raspberry
- Roselle
- Salal
- Sapodilla
- Black Sapote
- Mamey Sapote
- Satsuma Mandarin
- Schisandra Berry
- Sea-Buckthorn
- Saskatoon Serviceberry
- Soursop
- Spanish Lime
- Acorn Squash
- Butternut Squash
- Hubbard Squash
- Spaghetti Squash
- Summer Squash
- Winter Squash
- Star Apple
- Starfruit
- Strawberry
- Sugar Apple
- Sunberry
- Tangelo
- Tangerine
- Tangor
- Tejocote
- Tomatillo
- Tomato
- Tomato Tree
- Uniq Fruit
- Walnut
- Black Walnut
- English Walnut
- Watermelon
- Chinese Waxgourd
- Youngberry
* Not all crops are registered in every state.
Danitol 2.4 EC Spray 2EE Applicable States: CA
Danitol 2.4 EC Spray 2EE Applicable States: NY
Danitol 2.4 EC Spray 2EE Applicable States: CA
Danitol 2.4 EC Spray 2EE Applicable States: DE, IN, KY, MD, MA, MI, NJ, NC, OH, PA, TN, VA, WV
Danitol 2.4 EC Spray 2EE Applicable States: NY
Danitolr 2.4 EC Spray 2Ee1fw Applicable States: ME, MA, MI, NH, NJ, OR, PA, VA, WA, WV
Section 24c
Danitol 2.4 EC Spray Section 24C Applicable States: FL
Danitol 2.4 EC Spray Section 24C Applicable States: TX
Danitol 2.4 EC Spray Section 24C Applicable States: CA
Danitol 2.4 EC Spray Section 24C Applicable States: WA
Asian Citrus Psyllid Quicksheet - Danitol 2.4 EC Spray 2019-DAN-8003
Multi-Crop Quicksheet - Danitol 2.4 EC Spray 2025-DAN-8009
Stone Fruit Quicksheet - Danitol 2.4 EC Spray 2019-DAN-8007
Tree Nuts Quicksheet - Danitol 2.4 EC Spray 2020-DAN-8008
Sustainable Solutions Criteria – Danitol® 2.4 EC Spray
Valent U.S.A. has developed a classification system that defines and identifies sustainable practices and attributes applicable to our ag product portfolio across three pillars of sustainability – People, Planet, and Productivity. This system, called Sustainable Solutions Criteria, uses specific icons that highlight these key sustainable practices and attributes for our products. Products that achieve a high sustainable criterion ranking across all three sustainable pillars are also denoted by the Sustainable Solutions Icon. Click on the icons below to learn how Danitol® 2.4 EC Spray can support sustainable practices in your operations.
Always read and follow label instructions.
Danitol is a registered trademark of Sumitomo Chemical Company, Ltd.
Danitol is a restricted use pesticide.
Danitol is a registered trademark of Sumitomo Chemical Company, Ltd.
Danitol is a restricted use pesticide.