Phoenix® Herbicide
Phoenix® Herbicide kills problematic weeds such as pigweeds, common and giant ragweed, waterhemp and many more—fast with no carryover concerns and acceptable crop tolerance.
- Broad Spectrum Postemergence Weed Control
- No Carryover Concerns
- Performance with Acceptable Crop Tolerance
- Palmer Amaranth
- Spiny Amaranth
- Spurred Anoda
- Balloonvine
- Beggartick
- Florida Beggarweed
- Buffalobur
- Burcucumber
- Carpetweed
- Cocklebur
- Common Cocklebur
- Copperleaf (Preemergence)
- Hophornbeam Copperleaf
- Virginia Copperleaf
- Showy Crotalaria
- Tropic Croton
- Woolly Croton
- Cypress Vine
- Devilsclaw
- Eclipta
- Hairy Galinsoga
- Cutleaf Ground Cherry
- Lanceleaf Ground Cherry
- Jimsonweed
- Jimsonweed (Preemergence)
- Kochia
- Lambsquarters
- Common (Preemergence) Lambsquarters
- Venice Mallow
- Smell Melon
- Mexicanweed
- Climbing Milkweed
- Common Milkweed
- White Mold
- Purple Moonflower
- Annual Morningglory
- Entireleaf Morningglory
- Ivyleaf Morningglory
- Palmleaf Morningglory
- Pitted Morningglory
- Smallflower Morningglory
- Tall Morningglory
- Wild Mustard
- Black Nightshade
- Black (Preemergence) Nightshade
- Eastern Black Nightshade
- Hairy Nightshade
- Yellow Nutsedge
- Pigweed
- Prostrate Pigweed
- Redroot Pigweed
- Redroot (Preemergence) Pigweed
- Smooth Pigweed
- Smooth (Preemergence) Pigweed
- Wild Poinsettia
- Poorjoe
- Wild Sweet Potato
- Puncturevine
- Common Purslane
- Florida Pusley
- Common Ragweed
- Common (Preemergence) Ragweed
- Giant Ragweed
- Redvine
- Lanceleaf Sage
- Coffee Senna
- Hemp Sesbania
- Sicklepod
- Prickly Sida
- Prickly (Preemergence) Sida
- Smartweed
- Pennsylvania Smartweed
- Swamp Smartweed
- Prostrate Spurge
- Spotted Spurge
- Toothed Spurge
- Bristly Starbur
- Sunflower
- Wild Sunflower
- Canada Thistle
- Trumpet Creeper
- Velvetleaf
- Waterhemp
- Common Waterhemp
- Tall Waterhemp
- Tall (Preemergence) Waterhemp
- Witchweed
Key Crops*
- Soybean
- Roundup Ready Soybean
- STS Soybean
* Not all crops are registered in every state.
Sustainable Solutions Criteria – Phoenix® Herbicide
Valent U.S.A. has developed a classification system that defines and identifies sustainable practices and attributes applicable to our ag product portfolio across three pillars of sustainability – People, Planet, and Productivity. This system, called Sustainable Solutions Criteria, uses specific icons that highlight these key sustainable practices and attributes for our products. Products that achieve a high sustainable criterion ranking across all three sustainable pillars are also denoted by the Sustainable Solutions Icon. Click on the icons below to learn how Phoenix® Herbicide can support sustainable practices in your operations.
IPM Friendly
- Reduces risk from pests within a science-based decision-making process that minimizes overall economic, health and environmental risks*
- New mode of pest control action, and/ or proactive management of pest resistance, including fit within integrated resistance management programs
- Exotic invasive pest control
Phoenix is a registered trademark of Valent U.S.A. LLC.