Select Max® Herbicide with Inside Technology™
- Fast Control with Increased Uptake and Translocation
- Flexibility to Use Adjuvant of Choice and Tank Mix with Other Herbicides
- Superior Control with Excellent Crop Safety for Total Performance
- Foxtail Barley
- Volunteer Barley
- Barnyardgrass
- Bentgrass
- Bermudagrass
- Annual Bluegrass
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Roughstalk Bluegrass
- California Brome
- Cheat Brome
- Downy Brome
- Ripgut Brome
- Canarygrass
- Volunteer Cereal
- Chickweed
- Roundup Ready Field Corn
- Volunteer Corn
- Volunteer Clearfield Corn
- Volunteer Liberty Link Corn
- Roundup Ready Field Volunteer Corn
- Hairy Crabgrass
- Large Crabgrass
- Smooth Crabgrass
- Southern Crabgrass
- Crowfootgrass
- Southwestern Cupgrass
- Woolly Cupgrass
- Tall Fescue
- Seed-Head Tall Fescue
- Giant Foxtail
- Green Foxtail
- Yellow Foxtail
- Goosegrass
- Itchgrass
- Rhizome Johnsongrass
- Seedling Johnsongrass
- Junglerice
- Lovegrass
- Foxtail Millet
- Wild Proso Millet
- Wirestem Muhly
- Volunteer Oat
- Wild Oat
- Orchardgrass
- Fall Panicum
- Texas Panicum
- Quackgrass
- Rabbitsfoot Grass
- Red Rice
- Volunteer Roundup Ready Corn
- Volunteer Rye
- Hardy Ryegrass
- Italian Ryegrass
- Field Sandbur
- Shattercane
- Broadleaf Signalgrass
- Volunteer Grain Sorghum
- Amazon Sprangletop
- Bearded Sprangletop
- Mexican Sprangletop
- Red Sprangletop
- Stinkgrass
- Weed
- Volunteer Wheat
- Witchgrass
Key Crops*
- African Nut-Tree
- Agave
- Non-Producing Agricultural Area
- Around Alfalfa
- Seedling Alfalfa
- Almond
- Non-Bearing Almond
- Tropical Almond
- Vera Aloe
- Chinese Amaranth
- Leafy Amaranth
- Angelica
- Apple
- Non-Bearing Apple
- Apricot
- Japanese Apricot
- Aronia Berry
- Arracacha
- Arrowroot
- Chinese Artichoke
- Globe Artichoke
- Jerusalem Artichoke
- Arugula
- Asparagus
- Indian Aster
- Stokes Aster
- Azarole
- Balm
- Balsam Apple
- Balsam Pear
- Bamboo Shoot
- European Barberry
- Basil
- Sweet Bay
- Adzuki Bean
- Edible-Podded Asparagus Bean
- Castor Bean
- Edible-Podded Chinese Long Bean
- Dry Bean
- Dry Broad Bean
- Dry Lima Bean
- Edible-Podded Bean
- Field Bean
- Garbanzo Bean
- Hyacinth Bean
- Edible-Podded Jack Bean
- Kidney Bean
- Lablab Bean
- Lupin Bean
- Dry Shelled Moth Bean
- Edible-Podded Moth Bean
- Mung Bean
- Navy Bean
- Dry Shelled Phaseolus Bean
- Edible-Podded Phaseolus Bean
- Pinto Bean
- Rice Bean
- Edible-Podded Runner Bean
- Edible-Podded Snap Bean
- Succulent Broad Bean
- Succulent Green Lima Bean
- Succulent Phaseolus Bean
- Succulent Shelled Bean
- Succulent Vigna Bean
- Edible-Podded Sword Bean
- Tepary Bean
- Urd Bean
- Dry Shelled Vigna Bean
- Edible-Podded Vigna Bean
- Edible-Podded Wax Bean
- Edible-Podded Yardlong Bean
- Bearberry
- Beechnut
- Garden Beet
- Sugar Beet
- Berry
- Non-Bearing Berry
- Bilberry
- Black Jack
- Blackberry
- Highbush Blueberry
- Lowbush Blueberry
- Borage
- Oil Seed Borage
- Leafy Brassica Greens
- Brazil Nut
- Broccoli
- Chinese Broccoli
- Raab Broccoli
- Brussels Sprout
- Bunya Pine
- Edible Burdock
- Burnet
- Bush Tomato
- Bushberry
- Butternut
- Cabbage
- Abyssinian Cabbage
- Chinese Bok Choy Cabbage
- Chinese Napa Cabbage
- Cajou Nut
- Calabaza
- Calendula
- Camelina
- Candlenut
- Caneberry
- Edible Canna
- Canola
- Liberty Link Canola
- Cantaloupe
- Capulin
- Cardoon
- Carrot
- Cashew
- Bitter Cassava
- Sweet Cassava
- Catandapos;s Whisker
- Catjang
- Catnip
- Cauliflower
- Celeriac
- Celery
- Chinese Celery
- Celtuce
- Cham-Chwi
- Chamnamul
- Chamomile
- Swiss Chard
- Fruit Chayote
- Root Chayote
- Black Cherry
- Nanking Cherry
- Sweet Cherry
- Non-Bearing Sweet Cherry
- Tart Cherry
- Dried Chervil
- Fresh Leaf Chervil
- Turnip-Rooted Chervil
- Chestnut
- Guiana Chestnut
- Japanese Horse Chestnut
- Chickpea
- Chicory
- Chinquapin
- Chipilin
- Chive
- Chinese Chive
- Garland Chrysanthemum
- Chufa
- Cilantro
- Leaf Cilantro
- Non-Bearing Citrus
- Clary
- Cloudberry
- Clover
- Holy Clover
- Feather Cockscomb
- Cocona
- Coconut
- Collard
- Around Commercial Building
- Coquito Nut
- Leaf Coriander
- Corn Salad
- Field Corn
- Cosmos
- Costmary
- Cotton
- For Seed Cotton
- Dry Shelled Cowpea
- Succulent Cowpea
- Crabapple
- Crambe
- Cranberry
- Highbush Cranberry
- Garden Cress
- Upland Cress
- Cucumber
- Chinese Cucumber
- Cucurbit
- Cucuzza
- Leaf Culantro
- Cuphea
- Currant Tomato
- Black Currant
- Buffalo Currant
- Native Currant
- Red Currant
- Leaf Curry
- Daikon
- Leaf Dandelion
- Leaf Dang-Gwi
- Dasheen
- Bulb Daylily
- Dika Nut
- Dill
- Dillweed
- Fresh Leaf Dillweed
- Dock
- Dol-Namul
- Ebolo
- Echium
- Edamame
- Eggplant
- African Eggplant
- Scarlet Eggplant
- Elderberry
- Around Electric Utility
- Endive
- Escarole
- Euphorbia
- Evening Primrose
- Fallow Land
- Fameflower
- Around Fence Line
- Florence Fennel
- Fiddlehead Fern
- Filbert
- Non-Bearing Filbert
- Flax
- Bulb Fritillaria
- Pome Fruit
- Stone Fruit
- Non-Bearing Stone Fruit
- Fuki
- Garden Huckleberry
- Bulb Garlic
- Bulb Great Headed Garlic
- Serpent Bulb Garlic
- Gherkin
- Ginger
- Ginkgo
- Ginseng
- Goji Berry
- Gold-of-Pleasure
- Around Golf Course
- Good-King-Henry
- Gooseberry
- Edible Gourd
- Non-Bearing Grape
- Under Bench Greenhouse
- Leafy Greens
- Ground Cherry
- Guar
- Chilean Guava
- Hanover Salad
- Hazelnut
- Heartnut
- Hechima
- Herb
- Hickory Nut
- Highway Right-of-Way
- Edible Honeysuckle
- Hop
- Horehound
- Horseradish
- Huauzontle
- Huckleberry
- Hyotan
- Hyssop
- Jojoba
- Jostaberry
- Chinese Jujube
- Juneberry
- Leaf Jute
- Kale
- Kohlrabi
- Lavender
- Lemon Balm
- Lemongrass
- Lentil
- Leren
- Lesquerella
- Bitter Lettuce
- Head Lettuce
- Leaf Lettuce
- Bulb Lily
- Lingonberry
- Loganberry
- Loquat
- Leaf Lovage
- Lunaria
- Grain Lupin
- Sweet Lupin
- White Lupin
- White Sweet Lupin
- Leaf Maca
- Macadamia Nut
- Around Manufacturing Plant
- Marigold
- Marjoram
- Annual Marjoram
- Pot Marjoram
- Sweet Marjoram
- Wild Marjoram
- Martynia
- Mayhaw
- Meadowfoam
- Medlar
- Bitter Melon
- Chinese Preserving Melon
- Citron Melon
- Milkweed
- Mizuna
- Momordica
- Mongongo Tree
- Monkey Pot
- Monkey Puzzle Tree
- Muntries
- Muskmelon
- Mustard Greens
- Hareandapos;s Ear Mustard
- Seed Mustard
- Naranjilla
- Nasturtium
- Nectarine
- Seed Niger
- Non-Crop Area
- Non-Planted Area
- NPWS Grass Restoration Project
- Nut Tree
- Non-Bearing Nut Tree
- Bur Oak
- Okari Nut
- Okra
- Chinese Okra
- Non-Bearing Olive
- Bulb Onion
- Chinese Bulb Onion
- Dry Bulb Onion
- Pearl Onion
- Bulb Potato Onion
- Orach
- Oregano
- Palm Heart
- Around Parkway
- Chinese Parsley
- Dried Parsley
- Fresh Leaf Parsley
- Turnip-Rooted Parsley
- Parsnip
- Partridgeberry
- Pea Eggplant
- Dry Shelled Black-Eyed Pea
- Crowder Pea
- Dry Pigeon Pea
- Dry Shelled Pea
- Edible-Podded Dwarf Pea
- Edible-Podded Pea
- Field Dry Pea
- Edible-Podded Pigeon Pea
- Dry Shelled Pisum Pea
- Edible-Podded Pisum Pea
- Edible-Podded Snow Pea
- Southern Dry Pea
- Succulent Black-Eyed Pea
- Succulent English Pea
- Succulent Garden Pea
- Succulent Green Pea
- Succulent Pigeon Pea
- Succulent Pisum Pea
- Succulent Shelled Pea
- Succulent Southern Pea
- Edible-Podded Sugar Snap Pea
- Peach
- Peach Palm
- Non-Bearing Peach
- Peanut
- Perennial Peanut
- Pear
- Asian Pear
- Non-Bearing Pear
- Pecan
- Non-Bearing Pecan
- Pennyroyal
- Pepino
- Bell Pepper
- Non-Bell Pepper
- Peppermint
- Pequi
- Pili Nut
- Pine Nut
- Brazilian Pine
- Pipeline Right-of-Way
- Pistachio
- Non-Bearing Pistachio
- Buckhorn Plantain
- Plum
- American Plum
- Beach Plum
- Canada Plum
- Cherry Plum
- Chickasaw Plum
- Damson Plum
- Japanese Plum
- Klamath Plum
- Plumcot
- Seed Poppy
- Around Post-Harvest Cropland
- Potato
- Sweet Potato
- Cactus Prickly Pear
- Texas Cactus Prickly Pear
- English Primrose
- Non-Bearing Prune
- Prune-Plum
- Public Utility Line Right-of-Way
- Pumping Station Right-of-Way
- Pumpkin
- Garden Purslane
- Winter Purslane
- Quince
- Chinese Quince
- Japanese Quince
- Radicchio
- Radish
- Leaf Radish
- Oil Radish
- Oriental Radish
- Around Rail Yard
- Railroad Right-of-Way
- Rape Greens
- Rapeseed
- Black Raspberry
- Red Raspberry
- Wild Raspberry
- Rhubarb
- Right-of-Way
- Road Divider Right-of-Way
- Road Median Right-of-Way
- Road Right-of-Way
- Wild Rocket
- Rose Hip
- Roselle
- Rosemary
- Rue
- Rutabaga
- Safflower
- Oil Seed Safflower
- Sage
- Sainfoin
- Salal
- Salsify
- Black Salsify
- Spanish Salsify
- Sapucaia Nut
- Summer Savory
- Winter Savory
- Sea-Buckthorn
- Seakale
- Saskatoon Serviceberry
- Sesame
- Bulb Shallot
- Shepherdspurse
- Skirret
- Sloe
- Soybean
- Immature Seed Soybean
- Roundup Ready Soybean
- STS Soybean
- Spearmint
- Spinach
- Malabar Spinach
- New Zealand Spinach
- Acorn Squash
- Butternut Squash
- Hubbard Squash
- Spaghetti Squash
- Summer Squash
- Winter Squash
- Leaf Stevia
- Around Storage Yard
- Strawberry
- Non-Bearing Strawberry
- Sunberry
- Sunflower
- Sweet Rocket
- Chinese Tallow Tree
- Tallowwood
- Tanier
- Tanier Spinach
- Tansy
- Taro
- Tarragon
- Tea Oil Plant
- Tejocote
- Thyme
- Tomatillo
- Tomato
- Tomato Tree
- Transformer Station Right-of-Way
- Transformer Substation Right-of-Way
- Birdsfoot Trefoil
- Turmeric
- Turnip
- Turnip Greens
- Udo
- Brassica Head Vegetable
- Brassica Stem Vegetable
- Corm Vegetable
- Fruiting Vegetable
- Leafy Petiole Vegetable
- Edible-Podded Legume Vegetable
- Tuberous Vegetable
- Vernonia
- For Seed Common Vetch
- For Seed Hairy Vetch
- Chinese Leaf Violet
- Black Walnut
- English Walnut
- Non-Bearing Walnut
- Watercress
- Watermelon
- Chinese Waxgourd
- Wintergreen
- Woodruff
- Wormwood
- Yam
- Yam Bean
- True Yam
- Yellowhorn
- Zuiki
* Not all crops are registered in every state.
Section 24c
Select Max Herbicide With Inside Technology Section 24C Applicable States: OR
Select Max Herbicide With Inside Technology Section 24C Applicable States: GA
Select Max Herbicide With Inside Technology 2EE BURNDOWN OPTIONS TO STRETCH ROUNDUP SUPPLY
Alfalfa Quicksheet - Select Max Herbicide 2021-SMAX-8005
Cotton & Soybeans Quicksheet - Select Max Herbicide 2021-SMAX-8000
Vegetables Quicksheet - Select Max Herbicide 2021-SMAX-8018
Sustainable Solutions Criteria – Select Max® Herbicide with Inside Technology™
Valent U.S.A. has developed a classification system that defines and identifies sustainable practices and attributes applicable to our ag product portfolio across three pillars of sustainability – People, Planet, and Productivity. This system, called Sustainable Solutions Criteria, uses specific icons that highlight these key sustainable practices and attributes for our products. Products that achieve a high sustainable criterion ranking across all three sustainable pillars, such as Select Max® Herbicide with Inside Technology™, are also denoted by the Sustainable Solutions Icon. Click on the icons below or the sustainable solutions icon to the right to learn how Select Max® Herbicide with Inside Technology™ can support sustainable practices in your operations.
IPM Friendly
- Reduces risk from pests within a science-based decision-making process that minimizes overall economic, health and environmental risks*
- New mode of pest control action, and/ or proactive management of pest resistance, including fit within integrated resistance management programs
- Exotic invasive pest control
Select Max is covered under U.S. Patent No. 7,651,977.
with Inside Technology is a trademark and Select Max is a registered trademark of Valent U.S.A. LLC.