This is the current list of pages on Valent
- Home
- About Us
- A Fall Weed Management Conversation
- A Fresh Look at Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) Management
- A Grower’s Role in Protecting Pollinators
- A New Tool for the Late Apple Thinning Window
- A One-Two Punch Maximizes Peanut Productivity
- A Science-based Approach to Reducing Food Loss
- Accede™ Plant Growth Regulator Now Available to Extend the Chemical Thinning Window for Apples
- Apple Harvest Management
- Apple Thinning is Science and Art: How to Create a Plan
- Aveo EZ® Nematicide: Proactively Control Nematodes to Preserve Yield
- Break the Insecticide Resistance Cycle
- Breaking the Insect Population Cycle in Vegetables with Dual Modes of Action
- César Parada Named General Director, Valent de Mexico
- Control Pests from the Start to Protect Soybean Stands
- Control When You Need It – Advice for Managing Hard-to-Kill Pests in Organic Vegetable Production
- Controlling Difficult Apple Pests - Woolly Apple Aphid and San Jose Scale
- Controlling Weeds From Planting to Canopy
- Counter Later Emerging Weeds With Overlapping Residuals
- Coverage, Timing Key to White Mold Control in Peanuts
- Creating a Plan for Weed Control
- Diversification and Innovation Key to 2019 Apple Grower of the Year Recipients
- DuPont and Sumitomo Chemical Company Announce Global Seed-Applied Technology Agreement
- Enhance Sugar Beet Quality with Effective Disease Control
- Extend Almond Bloom for Increased Nut Set
- Farm Journal Field Day Interview Riffle
- Fierce® and Perpetuo® Herbicides for Soybean Weed Control Without Gaps
- Find Your Fit: Beat Resistant Weeds with Fierce® Herbicides
- How are DiPel® DF and XenTari® Different from Other Bts?
- How Biorationals Are Developed & Commercialized With Today’s Grower In Mind
- How Seed Treatments Protect Growers’ Investment
- How to Help Delay or Prevent Insecticide Resistance from Developing in Organic Crop Production
- Improve Resistance Management with Valor® EZ Herbicide
- Know Your SCN Numbers
- Kumiai and Valent U.S.A. Partner to Develop Effeeda® Herbicides for U.S. Rice Producers
- Managing Resistance with Residual Weed Control in Your Rice Crop
- Managing White Mold in Peanuts
- Maverick® Corn Herbicide Earns EPA Registration for Broad Spectrum Weed Management
- Maverick® Corn Herbicide: Flexible Weed Control That Lasts
- Maverick®: Flexibility in Corn Weed Control
- Meet The Valent U.S.A. 2024 Interns
- Mid-South Research Center Key to Crop Protection Product Development
- National FFA and Valent U.S.A. Partnership Helps Teachers Across The U.S. Advance Sustainability
- New Regiment® EZ Herbicide offers ease-of-use, low use rates
- New Valent U.S.A. Excalia™ Fungicide Receives EPA Registration for Peanuts
- OutReach® SC Nematicide Now Available for Use in Peanuts and Cotton
- Peanut Season Year-in-Review: Look Below the Surface
- Rhizoctonia Limits Profitability
- Senstar® Insecticide Now Labeled in Florida for Asian Citrus Psyllid Control During Bloom
- Senstar™ Insecticide Protects Against Woolly Apple Aphid, Pear Psylla and Other Soft-Bodied Insects
- Set Your Crop Up For Success in 2025
- Seven Simple Steps to Sustainability
- Silencing a Stealthy, Sneaky Pathogen
- Spreading the Word on Pollinators
- Start Early, Stay Persistent on Apple Scab and Powdery Mildew Management
- Sumitomo Chemical announces executive leadership appointments across the Valent group of companies
- Sumitomo Chemical Forms New Business Services Entity to Support The Valent Group of Companies
- Sustainability Award to Recognize Improvements in Agricultural Sustainability
- Talking Sustainability with a North Carolina Farmer
- The Valent Group of Companies Helps Launch "No Taste for Waste" Campaign
- Thin Smarter, Not Harder
- Tough Weeds Need A Tough Approach
- Understanding Sustainability at Valent U.S.A. From the Valent Field Advice Podcast
- Unearthing an Unseen World Through Root Imaging
- Valent and Nufarm Extend Canada Distribution Relationship
- Valent BioSciences and Valent U.S.A. Collaborate with Halo on Open Innovation Initiative
- VALENT Response to COVID-19
- Valent U.S.A. and Nufarm Expand Distribution Partnership to Include Industrial Vegetation Management
- Valent U.S.A. and Nufarm Extend Exclusive Distribution Agreement to 2023
- Valent U.S.A. and the National FFA Organization Partner to Advance Sustainable Agriculture Education
- Valent U.S.A. Announces Leadership Appointments in Sales and Marketing
- Valent U.S.A. Announces New General Manager of Valent de Mexico
- Valent U.S.A. Appoints Dave Poling As Vice President of Marketing
- Valent U.S.A. Appoints Dion McBay As Vice President of Sales
- Valent U.S.A. Appoints John Keevey as Sr. Director of Supply Chain
- Valent U.S.A. Awards Florida Student Scholarship for Organic Training
- Valent U.S.A. Awards Four Scholarships to Agriculture Future of America Students
- Valent U.S.A. Issues Section 2(ee) Recommendation for Danitol® 2.4 EC Spray On Spotted Lanternfly
- Valent U.S.A. Launches New Framework to Help Growers Advance Sustainable Agricultural Production
- Valent U.S.A. Launches New Website to promote innovative solutions for the grower
- Valent U.S.A. Launches Sustainable Solutions Business Unit
- Valent U.S.A. Names Barkley Agency of Record
- Valent U.S.A. Names Bill Hendrix Vice President of Technology
- Valent U.S.A. Names Dale Kushner Senior Business Manager of Valent Canada
- Valent U.S.A. Names Kenneth Seebold as Sr. Director of Field R&D
- Valent U.S.A. Names Tiffany Dean as Vice President of Sustainable Solutions
- Valent U.S.A. Opens New Innovation Center in Northern California
- Valent U.S.A. Presents 2017 Apple Grower of the Year Award
- Valent U.S.A. Receives National FFA Distinguished Service Award
- Valent U.S.A. Research: From our Fields to Yours
- Valent U.S.A. Sponsors Students from UC Davis MANRRS Chapter to Attend National Conference
- Valent U.S.A. Submits Registration Applications for New Rapidicil™ Herbicide
- Valent U.S.A. Welcomes John Smith as Vice President of Sales
- Valent U.S.A.’s Annual Sustainability Report
- Valent's Commitment to Pesticide Stewardship
- Valent's MWARC: Focusing on Sustainability, Technology and Grower Needs
- Weed Issues Shift with Row Rice
- What is The IPM Road Map?
- Why Lasting Control Matters
- Win the Race Between Pathogen and Plant
- Channel Portal
- Crops
- Events
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- Innovation
- Legal
- Portfolio
- Abolish® 8 EC Rice Herbicide
- Accede® Plant Growth Regulator Liquid Concentrate
- Accede® SG Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Granule
- Amid-Thin® W Plant Growth Regulator
- Asana® XL Insecticide
- Aveo® EZ Nematicide
- Belay® Insecticide
- Bolero® 8 EC Rice Herbicide
- Bolero® UltraMax Herbicide
- Chateau® EZ Herbicide
- Chateau® SW Herbicide
- Cobra® Herbicide
- Danitol® 2.4 EC Spray
- Debug® ON
- Debug® Tres
- Debug® Turbo
- DiPel® 10G Biological Insecticide
- DiPel® DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable
- DiPel® ES Biological Insecticide for Worm Pests
- Elumin® Fungicide
- Esteem® 0.86 EC Insect Growth Regulator
- Esteem® 35 WP Insect Growth Regulator
- Esteem® Ant Bait
- EverGreen® Crop Protection EC 60-6
- Excalia® Fungicide
- Exponent® Insecticide Synergist
- Fierce® EZ Herbicide
- Fierce® Herbicide
- Fierce® MTZ Herbicide
- Fierce® XLT Soybean Herbicide
- Fruitone® L Plant Growth Regulator
- Fruitone® N Plant Growth Regulator
- INTEGO® Fungicide Soybeans
- INTEGO® SUITE Soybeans
- Intuity® Fungicide
- Knack® Insect Growth Regulator
- K-Salt® Fruit Fix® 800 Plant Growth Regulator
- League® Herbicide
- League® MVP Herbicide
- Leap® ES Bacterial Disease Management Biological Insecticide
- Mauler® Herbicide
- Maverick® Corn Herbicide
- MaxCel® Plant Growth Regulator
- OutReach® SC Nematicide
- Outrider® Herbicide
- Perpetuo® Herbicide
- Phoenix® Herbicide
- PoMaxa® Plant Growth Regulator
- Presidio® Fungicide
- ProGibb® 40% Plant Growth Regulator Water Soluble Granule
- ProGibb® LV Plus Plant Growth Regulator Solution
- Promalin® Plant Growth Regulator
- ProTone® SG Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Granule
- ProVide® 10 SG Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Granule
- Pyganic® Crop Protection EC 1.4II
- Pyganic® Crop Protection EC 5.0II
- Quash® Fungicide
- Regiment® CA Herbicide
- Regiment® EZ Herbicide
- Regiment® Herbicide
- Release® LC Plant Growth Regulator
- Resource® Herbicide
- ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator for California
- ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Powder
- Seize® 35 WP Insect Growth Regulator
- Select Max® Herbicide with Inside Technology™
- Senstar® Insecticide
- Valor® EZ Herbicide
- Valor® SX Herbicide
- Valor® XLT Soybean Herbicide
- Venom® Insecticide
- XenTari® Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable
- Zeal® Miticide¹
- Zeal® MVP Miticide
- Zeal® Pro Miticide
- Zeal® SC Miticide
- Zeltera® Rice System
Professional Products
- Resources and Education
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- Sustainability
Valent Canada
Work at Valent